$3,240.00 raised ~ goal of: $5,250.00


Campaign Ends: 07/01/2025 - 116 Days Left!

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As a member of the Glory Project Board, part of my role is to assist missionaries on the field by bringing short-term teams to support these full-time missionaries in outreach and other projects that they otherwise would be unable to do. In 2025, Glory Project will fund 50% of my expenses as I help lead teams to Nepal in May (college and young adults), Thailand in July (orphan and VBS outreach), and the Philippines in November (medical missions). I am responsible for raising support to cover the other 50%: for all 3 trips, this is $5,250 plus any additional costs for necessary vaccines.

I appreciate your support as we seek to take the gospel to all people in Southeast Asia, and support our full-time native missionaries on the ground by taking the time and effort to travel to serve alongside them.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions.

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