Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

Han Lin Htet - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Han Lin Htet

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 20

Place of Service Myanmar

Married No

Salvation Testimony Every Christmas I felt a strange feeling in my soul. So last year (2023) I asked my aunt if I could go to church with her. I heard the preached talk about how we are made in the image of God. How God has a purpose for our lives. I realized then there was a Most High God. A few days later, a friend of mine took me to see some fortune tellers. They told me that soon I would get in a serious motorbike accident and almost die. I was so afraid after I heard this news. I was consumed with fear, anxiety, and worry wondering when that day might come. After several months, I visited a friend of mine who was a Christian. She said I did not have to fear anything because God is in control. My aunt then told me about how Jesus can give me eternal security if I trust in Him. So on that day, I gave my life to Christ. I now have peace and security every day.

Call to Ministry God called me to bible school in order to serve Him in ministry. Despite the war that my country is in, I am trusting God to protect me and use me in sharing the gospel to the unreached. The only thing that matters for eternity is the salvation of the lost.

Ministry Vision I want to share the gospel among the unreached people groups in my country. I am praying about where to God when I finish my training.