Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

May Mya Noe Naing - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

May Mya Noe Naing

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 17

Place of Service Myanmar

Married No

Salvation Testimony I was a very bad girl, never obeying my parents. One day, a church was planted near our house. They invited me to come and they talked about the goodness of God. They explained how Jesus died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead on the third day. I then started attending Sunday School, and slowly began to know Christ personally. After a few months I was saved. My parents did not want me to continue to go to church because they are unbelievers. But I continued to go and now am following Christ more and more.

Call to Ministry I have the privilege to attend Bible school because of my husband. I understand more about the Bible than before. I am happy to be in Bible school for free without paying tuition fees. By the grace of God, sometimes I get pocket money too. We have air-con in class so we can learn very comfortably. This is the Grace of God, I get a lot of advantage through attending Bible school. I learned how to share the gospel, how to study the Word of God. Before I came to Bible school, I used to worry when I shared the gospel tracts to people because I have no idea how to give answers if they ask me questions. Now, I never worry about it, I have confidence because I do it with prayer. I learned about how to live as a believer, how to handle when we face in ministry, give thanks to those who teach us and support us to be Bible school and learn many things.

Ministry Vision I will preach the gospel to people who have never heard the gospel. I will be in ministry through preaching the gospel. I will commit my life to serve the Lord. When I face challenged in the future, i will pray for God's protection, provision, and deliverance. I will choose to praise God when I face any problem. My vision is to go to my village and share the gospel to parents and relatives who have not yet received Jesus.