Sponsors a Native Missionary to Reach the Unreached!

San Lynn - 0 of 4 Shares Sponsored

San Lynn

Biggest Need

Place Myanmar

Age 51

Place of Service Myanmar

Married Yes

Spouse's Name Khan Dim

Children Yes

Salvation Testimony I came to faith in Christ when I was a young adult. The rest of my family are still Buddhist. My wife's family were the ones who shared Jesus with me first. After hearing the gospel from them, I trusted in Jesus and got married.

Call to Ministry My family and I felt God calling us to ministry when we were first married. So we went to bible school together and started doing mission work in Myanmar. We have been a part of the Houses of Glory church network since the beginning. I praise God that my older son now wants to do mission work also.

Ministry Vision We are called to share the gospel with the Shan people. So, we started an orphanage that has almost 20 kids in a village where there is great need. We also are working hard to start churches within the next 5 years in many places of Northern Shan State. We keep praying and trusting God to open doors for more people to be saved.